Holistic nutrition: an integrated approach to well-being
Holistic nutrition represents the "new frontier" of nutrition. The concept on which it is based is that each of us is much more than a machine that consumes a certain amount of petrol (food) and therefore needs a certain number of calories to perform at its best. The term "holistic", which derives from Greek and means "together", makes us understand that every individual is not made up of disconnected parts but that there is a strong synergy between every part of our body, our mind and our soul : we are in fact a “unicum”.
This means that each of us is different from the other , both in terms of our genetic heritage and our emotions, traumas and "medical history" and for this reason there is no calorie counting that can take all these variables into account.
Holistic nutrition does not just examine an "impersonal" caloric requirement, but goes much further, going to the root of the problem, of the body's imbalance and trying to eradicate it by working on the cause, be it the imbalance of an organ or an emotion that does not she let herself go. This approach makes sense because holistic nutrition views each person as a union of body, mind and spirit. In simpler words, we could say that each person is what they eat, but also what they think and what they feel on an emotional level.
If with a classic approach a caloric deficit is created calculated on the basis of mathematical parameters, which involves having to meticulously weigh every single food item (an activity that is difficult to sustain for a long time), the holistic approach goes much further and tries to understand the cause in order to eradicate the root problem.
The causes can be multiple:
• an intestine that doesn't work causes constipation and strains the liver, one of the organs responsible for regulating metabolism
• excessive stress strains the adrenals (the glands responsible for managing stress), consequently slowing down thyroid function which regulates metabolism
• excessive stress that stimulates an overproduction of cortisol , a hormone that causes a lot of sugar to always circulate in the body: if sugar is not used it is stored in the form of fat, especially in the abdominal area
• excessive acidity of the body , caused by a diet rich in refined products such as biscuits, crackers, breakfast cereals, snacks, bread (containing sugar, flour and vegetable oils), dairy products (especially milk), sausages and local proteins poor quality animal
• a heavy emotion , which has not been let go, can cause serious difficulties in losing weight: in fact, fat is a protection, an armor that protects us from strong pain, a trauma experienced
Once the cause has been understood, you can create a new eating habit that helps resolve the root problem, without having to worry about counting calories, grams or macronutrients.
According to the traditional approach, each food is a set of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) with a precise amount of calories. According to the holistic approach, however, a food becomes much more, considering the way in which it interacts with our cells and our DNA and, therefore, the way in which the food nourishes or damages our body.
Practical examples: Greek yogurt and breakfast
To give a practical example of the two approaches, we can analyze Greek yogurt. According to the traditional approach, it is an excellent food rich in proteins, low in sugar, often even with zero fat and, therefore, with few calories. According to the holistic approach, yoghurt, which is also wrongly recommended to regulate the intestine, is a dairy product and as such is very often one of the causes of constipation, as very few people tolerate dairy products well: in fact, it is enough to eliminate them for a month. and then reinsert them to understand if they are really a food that makes us feel good.
Furthermore, if it is milk from pasture-raised cows that eat grass or hay and are not given hormones or antibiotics, it may still be fine. Very often cows are intensively bred and the milk they produce is full of hormones - primarily estrogens (which can interfere with our endocrine and reproductive systems), antibiotics and pesticides, all toxins that our body, in the long run, it's hard to expel.
With this, we do not want to demonize yogurt, but it should not be recommended in your daily diet.
Another practical example, to understand the uniqueness of each individual in terms of experiences and emotions, is breakfast which, according to the traditional approach, is the most important meal of the day and which should be consumed even if you are not hungry.
According to the holistic approach, however, if you are not hungry, it is not mandatory to consume the breakfast meal: moreover, according to Ayurveda there is nothing worse than eating when you are not hungry, because your stomach is not ready to receive food and this situation triggers digestive and intestinal fermentation problems.
On the other hand, the thesis of intermittent fasting could be considered correct, which maintains that the morning is made to continue the detoxification processes triggered in the body during sleep, benefiting from a longer and more complete phase of daily purification of the organism.
Sensi Skinfood helps customers listen to themselves , a method that is not a diet, but an approach that can help you feel better, changing certain habits and creating new ones to improve not only your diet, but also your approach to life, learning to love each other.
Each cycle of massages/treatments always begins with a free medical history and with the choice of the therapist who has greater empathy with the client, precisely to assign to each one the operator with whom the relationship of greatest trust and sincerity is established.