Do you know the correlation between wellness and nutrition?
Proper nutrition is essential for a good quality of life and for aging well.
Health, in fact, is conquered and preserved above all at the table, learning the rules of healthy eating from an early age.
The traditional Mediterranean food model is considered today throughout the world to be one of the most effective for health protection and is also one of the most varied and balanced known. Among other things, the Mediterranean Diet on 17 November 2010 entered the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity, after the candidacy advanced by Italy, together with Spain, Greece and Morocco.
An important acknowledgment for a tasty but also healthy type of food. More fruit, vegetables and water: 3-5 portions of vegetables per day and 2-3 of fruit . Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, fibers and lots of water are a real concentrate of health because they contain many minerals and few calories. Thanks to their composition, they hydrate the body, maintaining the hydro-saline balance and help us keep our weight under control. Fiber and vitamins are components present in foods such as vegetables and fruit, with different biological structure and function but equally important for our diet. Speaking of fiber, the human body is unable to absorb this ingredient, present in fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes and seeds, as it lacks the necessary enzyme, cellulase. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble , and both perform important functions. The solubles, present in legumes and fruit, form viscous solutions that slow down the intestinal emptying times. They are responsible for a reduction in the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids and for a decrease in blood cholesterol. Vitamins, on the other hand, are a group of very different organic molecules, not produced by the body and which, therefore, must be introduced daily with the diet. Vitamins are needed in very small quantities and are very important for correct growth and correct maintenance of vital functions: they are in fact the molecules that regulate the fundamental processes of life and cellular chemical reactions. Vitamins are classified as fat-soluble or water-soluble . Fat-soluble vitamins are stored largely in the liver as a reserve function and, therefore, it is not necessary to introduce them every day with the diet. Water-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, are not accumulated in the body and must therefore be introduced daily with food. Fruits and vegetables are foods that must never be lacking in the diet, as together with the fiber they bring all those vitamins whose lack causes diseases that regress only with the administration of the deficient vitamin.

Water is precious for health and beauty:
thirst-quenching, diuretic, digestive, rich in minerals ( calcium, potassium, iron, etc.), regulates cell volume, body temperature, allows the transport of nutrients, facilitates the elimination of metabolic waste and the regulation of electrolyte balance, contributing to the maintenance of our state of health and also of our beauty, as an external image of internal well-being. Taken in large doses, it reduces the sense of hunger and improves intestinal transit. In the elderly, who feel little thirst stimulus, water avoids dehydration and above all the one rich in calcium protects against osteoporosis.
A low-fat diet is a fundamental premise, not only for body weight control, but also for reducing cholesterol levels and preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease. Staying light is an important rule for staying healthy, avoiding foods that are not easily digested, such as fats, and foods that are too elaborate, such as fried foods and sauces.
Is butter, oil or margarine better?
Is it true that vegetable fats are good and animal fats are bad? How can you keep your cholesterol level normal? Fats, in addition to representing an immediate source of "concentrated" energy for the body (they provide 9 calories per gram) can be accumulated in subcutaneous deposits and represent a fuel reserve. They are also indispensable to the body as a vehicle for the absorption and use of fat-soluble vitamins, but they must not be abused. Their daily requirement is, in fact, around 25-30% of total calories. Fats are made up of fatty acids and glycerin. Fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated . Saturated ones are solid at room temperature (butter, lard, margarine, bacon), unsaturated ones are liquid (oil) . Fats should be consumed in a limited way, not exceeding 10% of daily calories. Seasoning fats, subjected to high temperatures, produce free radicals and other irritating and toxic substances for the body. If you then consume pre-fried foods, the situation gets even worse. Often bread, crackers and croissants, passed off as "ultralight" contain many saturated fats, harmful to health, especially if consumed in a disorderly and excessive way. To give flavor to these foods and make them softer, hydrogenated vegetable fats are sometimes used, real bombs of saturated fats. In addition to promoting obesity, excessive consumption of these fats is dangerous for cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. To avoid the risk of buying products containing hidden fats, it is important to read the labels.
The traditional Mediterranean food model is considered today throughout the world to be one of the most effective for health protection and is also one of the most varied and balanced known. It is mainly based on foods of plant origin such as various cereals (wheat, rice, barley, rye, spelt), legumes, fruit, vegetables, fish, olive oil and moderate consumption of animal foods.
Sensi Skinfood has always believed in the high potential of the Mediterranean Diet and the whole line of natural dermocosmetics and functional psychocosmetics, enhances the active ingredients of fruit, vegetables and aromatic herbs, whose functionality, together with the quality of the natural elements, find maximum expression in the protocols of aesthetic well-being. The Sensi Skinfood project will be completed with nutricosmetics which will give further value to wellness protocols, introducing collagen-based supplements, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants from plant extracts to promote fluid drainage, detoxify and purify the body.