Do you know the difference between hydration and nutrition? And do you know what chromoesthetics means?

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin are two distinct actions that can be confused. Often, in fact, it is not possible to distinguish dry skin, which therefore needs nourishment, from dehydrated skin, which therefore needs hydration.

Moisturize the skin

Water evaporates daily from the skin for a physiological process. It is often used to think that a moisturizer contains water or substances similar to water, and that when you spread it on your face it automatically hydrates the skin.

In reality, the moisturizing substances are not added, but are already present inside the skin: the creams only have the function of recalling the water which is present in the deepest tissues and which is waiting to be used.

But how does this happen? The mechanism works quite simply: there are particular ingredients contained in face serums and creams which are called "humectants" which, once absorbed, have the ability to attract water, making it reach the very surface of the skin. where it is most needed.

For this reason, hydration is important for all types of facial skin and, more generally, for all parts of the body.

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Nourish the skin

On the other hand, the principle of nourishment is different, at the base of which there are also totally different ingredients.

The term nourishing specifically indicates the process through which we try to restore the lipid film it needs to the skin, thus providing oily or buttery ingredients, ideal for dry or mature skin.

The lack of lipids and everything that nourishes the skin leads to loss of tone, classic tight skin and, above all, signs of expression.

Choosing the wrong cream for skin that in itself would be normal could cause it to behave like oily or combination skin, causing problems over time.

Sensi Skinfood anticipated chromo-aesthetics: hydration and nutrition, the two macro-areas we have talked about, are easily recognizable for the customer thanks to the different colors associated with their symbols.

The hydration line is orange and the nutrition line is red .

Orange – this color is good for oily skin, especially young skin prone to acne. It is used to re-oxygenate the tissues. In the aesthetic field it is the most functional with regard to particular skin types, difficult to treat or with advanced blemishes

Red – this color is mainly used in cases of rough and tired skin and works by stimulating the production of collagen which helps to keep the skin firm and toned. Red is also the color that favors the re-oxygenation of tissues to nourish them deeply with the right serums, oils and creams.

Why did Sensi Skinfood want to give importance to colours?

Because in order to appear healthy and beautiful, the skin cannot be treated only with high quality ingredients, having to pay attention also to the emotions one feels that have implications that can condition the muscle tissue of the body and face.


Chromoaesthetics , which is the latest evolution of chromotherapy, exploits the energy of one or more specific colors to remedy imperfections and thus improve the general emotionality of the individual.

Science ( Popp-Mandel ) has long demonstrated that color has a beneficial effect on people, thanks to a visual perception, but also to the skin, because each color corresponds to a specific frequency of light. The skin perceives these waves and sends specific messages to our cells and emotions.