The secret language of colors
When we talk about beauty , not thinking about colors is almost impossible: the harmony of colors has been an essential component of art since ancient times, a fundamental reference in the aesthetic canon.
I don't want to talk about " Armocromia ", that science which is now very fashionable and which, based on the combination of skin, eyes and hair, defines the ideal color palette for each of us, but about how you can be unique in the pack, now approved for all cosmetic brands, to try to stand out with elegance and freshness, after having carried out an accurate analysis of the market and the meaning of each single color chosen.
For the choice of colors I was greatly inspired by the German poet and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who wrote the work " The Theory of Colors" in 1810, in which he openly argued with the mathematical and physical approach of Newton's studies, claiming a more romantic vision in which color also exists thanks to the eye and sensitivity of the observer.
Among the primary colors , which are only three, for Goethe yellow could not be missing and among the secondary ones green and orange , which in turn when mixed gave rise to all the other colors and therefore to red and gold.
A brand such as Sensi Skinfood could not fail to consider the sensitivity of the observing consumer , sight being one of the 5 senses that we never wanted to neglect in the wellness and dermocosmetics project.
If you look at the Sensi Skinfood pack you immediately notice that it is essential, elegant, natural, respectful of the environment and graphically and chromatically aligned with the meaning of the brand which is the perfect synthesis of sensoriality and scientific innovation in cosmetics, which we wanted to evolve towards the concept of "psychocosmetics-neurocosmetics".
The dark brown color represents sensuality in life, but also emotionality , balance and the need to satisfy earthly desires.
This is the color we used to reproduce the logo (Sensi).
Instead, we have used 4 different colors for the Skinfood pay off to give the brand freshness and youth .
Our colors
Find out moreThe color of life that continues and is renewed from the morning and even before going to sleep.
Green for cleansing : the first gesture of self-love to stay young and fresh. -
Find out moreThe color of change which symbolizes creativity, expansion and ambition .
Yellow for hydration : the second gesture of self-love that must be performed in all phases of our life. -
Find out moreThe color of energy and vitality that cells need to be constantly nourished.
Red for nutrition : the third gesture of self-love through which we provide cells with the necessary fats to make them elastic. -
Find out moreThe color that symbolizes aesthetics , richness and openness towards the outside which leads to the realization of all internal potential.
Gold for cellular regeneration : the fourth gesture of self-love through which, thanks to Phytomelatonin, we recode beauty at all ages, re-establishing the harmony between inner and outer beauty.