La Neurocosmesi: il futuro del benessere cutaneo

Neurocosmetics: the future of skin well-being

Behind the skin, the largest organ of our body, neuropeptides flow, hormones active both in the periphery and in the central nervous system, acting as neurotransmitters and neuroregulators. Neuropeptides are chemical messengers made up of small chains of amino acids synthesized and released by neurons.

Cardiovascular sporting activity, fundamental for increasing neurotransmitters, increases serotonin levels in the brain, improving mood and regulating its levels. The lack of the latter can cause reduction in psychomotor activity, psychic energy, loss of interests and reduction in working capacity.

Today we know that skin cells, in addition to performing protection, support and hydration functions, are able to transmit precise biochemical signals, actively participating in the complex dialogue that connects all the tissues of the body.

This unprecedented vision of the skin, understood as a neuro-immune-cutaneous system, has opened up new perspectives in the design of targeted and effective cosmetics, outlining the frontier of "neurocosmetics" . This new discipline goes beyond traditional cosmetics, improving skin well-being and acting on skin parameters with visible increases in hydration, brightness and oxygenation.

Sensory cosmetics increase the perception of pleasure, which our skin recognizes as the first place of encounter. Our parents' caresses transferred a complex of feelings not expressed verbally, an affective imprint that remains imprinted on the skin and soul for a lifetime.

Sensi Skinfood represents the perfect union between sensorial cosmetics and neuro-cosmetics. Phytomelatonin is the undisputed protagonist of this union, involving the senses and bringing great pleasure, while carrying out activities specifically functional to hydration, nutrition and cellular regeneration, making the skin brighter and more oxygenated.

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