Back pain: do you know what the different causes are and how to treat it?

Back pain is a very common pain , indeed the most common among musculoskeletal pains, at least for the Italian population. What's worse is that in some cases it is chronic and those who suffer from it think they have to adapt by living with it.

In reality, something could be done to treat back pain, for example, by changing habits and certainly by contacting a spine specialist who knows how to identify the causes and most frequent pathologies.

Back pain can come from trauma , such as an injury or a wrong movement. In these cases the pain is very intense and localized and is almost never due to a "tear", as many believe.

There are two types of back pain:

Mechanical that arises at the level of the spine, intervertebral discs or surrounding soft tissues

Inflammatory that is chronic, meaning it never goes away permanently, even if symptoms come and go, because it is usually caused by an underlying autoimmune condition. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system attacks the body's healthy cells and triggers an inflammatory response. Symptoms of inflammatory back pain worsen with rest.

The causes of back pain that becomes " chronic " can be:

Incorrect postural habits

Sedentary lifestyle which reduces the elasticity of the spine

A poorly performed sporting activity that loads the spine incorrectly

Obesity , because being overweight forces the spine to carry excessive weight, an adapted posture and impaired motor skills

Visceral such as frequent colitis or irritable colon, because the intestine is surrounded by the peritoneum which has relations with the spinal column

Genetic predisposition , because there are those who are more inclined to wear of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs

Emotional factor (stress and tension) which, according to an increasing number of recent studies, has a close relationship with back pain

The back pathology that torments us most is herniated disc , even if that is not always the cause of back pain and very often it is asymptomatic and does not cause pain except in the initial inflammation phase, and then remains latent without further consequences.

Back pain, depending on which part of the spine it affects, can be of three types:




There are 33 vertebrae and they are divided as follows:

Cervical C1-c7

Dorsal T1-T12

Lumbar L1-L5

The last vertebrae are fused into two blocks:

5 fused vertebrae make up the sacrum

4 fused vertebrae make up the coccyx

Pain in the mid-back is the least frequent, while pain in the lumbar and cervical area is very common.

In the lower back pain causes lumbago which is much more widespread than neck pain.

The lumbar vertebrae have a fundamental role in supporting our body and must be protected by keeping the deep muscles (stabilizing muscles) that support the spine trained.

Proper prevention could go a long way in avoiding back pain. However, we often start treating the back only after it has started to hurt.

Which massages are effective?

Massage therapy and lumbosacral massages can relieve back pain and if performed together with Cupping Therapy they relax the muscles and stretch the back, thanks to the improvement in blood circulation, which promotes a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the painful and inflamed tissues, which they can lie down more easily.

Remedies for almost all back pain (lumbosciatica, lumbocruralgia, witch's stroke, cervical pain, torticollis, whiplash) can be found with instrumental therapies in the acute phase and then moving on to manual therapies which, if well performed, are very useful for improving contractures muscle and joint relationships. Muscle strengthening cannot be missing, which occurs by doing certain exercises daily.

Sensi Skinfood has developed ideal protocols for athletes and more generally for those suffering from back pain , which combine manual techniques ( Cupping Therapy ) with natural products (muds and bandages) and infrared rays , without neglecting advanced technology in cases of more extensive and severe pain.

The lamp inside our sauna is equipped with infrared rays with the latest generation halogen lamp, Full-Spectrum, with type A, B, C waves. - Type C waves penetrate up to 5mm.- Type B waves penetrate up to 2-3mm. - Type A waves penetrate up to 1cm and are ideal and strongly recommended for those suffering from back pain or pathologies such as arthritis or arthrosis which worsen in winter weather . Furthermore, given that the combination of these 3 types of waves (ABC) generates a strong stimulation of the tissues also at a metabolic level, Sensi Skinfood has included the sauna in its protocols together with mud and other treatments aimed at remodeling and reducing the phenomena of localized adiposity and cellulite.