What are the benefits of massages?

Understanding the benefits of massage, relating the concept of " care " to the experience of "touch" and "contact" helps to understand how beneficial it is for personal care, therefore going well beyond simple contact ." skin to skin."

In fact, touch has been used for millennia to relieve suffering and increase vitality. The word is of Arabic origin and represents a fundamental aspect for human life, growth and survival. In the numerous studies involving touch, the presence of oxycytin in the body is often measured. It is defined as the calm hormone and its production increases with tactile stimulation . In fact, a sweet and gentle touch activates the area of ​​the brain involved in the coding of pleasant and rewarding stimuli, reduces the state of anxiety and the reaction of nervous activity. Qualitative studies demonstrate dramatic improvements from touch, including in healthcare. Among the benefits of massage we find the recovery of calm, security and pain relief . In some cases, patient care cannot ignore touch: in this sense, important examples are offered by elderly care contexts, palliative therapies and intensive care. Thanks to the "touch" which must be expert, the person meets another human being, giving life to a tangible relationship. Among the benefits of massage there is the opportunity for a close, authentic, spontaneous, supportive and empathetic encounter with others. Being sheltered in someone's arms is an experience of profound availability, unconsciously, the massage has the aim of bringing the recipient back to an almost "embryonic-maternal" memory, thus giving a sense of total envelopment and abandonment. It's a way of seeing yourself through the other. Touch becomes "taking care" of the deepest and most hidden areas of the human soul with the commitment and responsibility to generously build a safe, joyful and pleasant experience of sharing. Touch can , in fact, relieve you from the feeling of loneliness and separation . Numerous scientific testimonies report the person's need to receive a respectful touch: for this reason the operator must always be present and attentive to the needs of those receiving the massage, even during a waiting period, during which the customer must never be left alone . The movement of the hands on the body during a massage or during a treatment (on the parts of the body that remain free) creates interaction: the customer feels recognized and deserving of time and space, fully benefiting from the session he has given himself. A respectful and present touch from the practitioner offers the client the opportunity to experience the body in a different way. Difficulties, tiredness, anxiety and feelings of strangeness are transformed into a beneficial experience of kind and positive care. Touch, however, can also be perceived as an unpleasant experience and generate a sense of disappointment, frustration and lack of care. Touch can sometimes weaken the highly beneficial therapeutic relationship : this often happens when one receives a touch that is disrespectful, mechanical, cold and insensitive . During the massage it can happen that stagnant forces and energies interact with each other, making the experience unpleasant and, in some cases, even painful. In this case, building safety and trust requires more time and the quality of the operator's patience and delicacy can prove extremely valuable, to the point of becoming indispensable in building a solid and lasting therapeutic alliance. Scientific research is increasingly demonstrating that touch is a powerful tool , even if it still remains a phenomenon difficult to measure in its complexity. Further scientific evidence is needed to dispel the taboos surrounding the issue of touch and highlight, in an irrefutable way, its great healing potential. There is an increasing need to disseminate this type of care and its understanding, both in clinical and educational contexts. However, structured methodologies are needed in order to recognize touch as a privileged tool for the person's health and well-being.

The Sensi Skinfood Academy

For this reason Sensi Skinfood wants to work on an Academy that has the aim of training ethical, professional, competent, respectful and dedicated operators, who take care of others with a complete, integrated and multidisciplinary approach, who feel in their hearts and have in their hands the art of touch, that subtle blend of West and East that generates a deep, enveloping and fluid action to relax tensions, promote flexibility and muscle tone, activate circulation, help create a sense of harmony and psychophysical balance from which health, well-being and a harmonious aesthetic appearance arise.

The Academy and the training find their foundation in the fact that the results of the research have given a scientific foundation to the massage technique from different points of view: medical, neurological, physiological, psychological and anthropological. The Sensi Skinfood protocols are the combination of massages, treatments and products, which actively stimulate the skin, the lymphatic system and the blood system , thanks to the stretching of the tissues and the mobilization of the limbs and which help to progressively eliminate metabolic waste , drastically reducing the cortisol levels (it is the stress hormone, a high value can lead to insomnia, water retention, hyperinsulinemia, immune deficiency, cardiovascular diseases, intestinal disorders. Massage promotes correct digestion, intestinal peristalsis and improves the quality of breathing (slower, deeper, aware), encouraging the recovery of diaphragmatic functionality.