Do you know how longevity is achieved?

In Roman times people could expect to live 30 to 35 years and those over 60 did not reach 6% of the population.

Aging was a privilege and it was only from the 19th century that we witnessed a slow but progressive change. Increasing life expectancy is a great achievement of our time, but the real challenge is to live well , increasing the number of healthy years and reducing the likelihood of contracting chronic diseases.

Those who work in wellness are constantly trying to improve people's quality of life. It's not just about living longer, i.e. adding years to life, but life to years.

Assuming a healthy lifestyle, adopting healthy habits isn't always easy but it can be within everyone's reach, especially if you make the right choices.

Actively taking care of your physical and psychological health is a short- and long-term investment.

Diet, physical exercise, sleep, stress play a major role in inflammatory processes and in determining the efficiency of the immune system. That's why taking action on these fronts contributes to overall health and longevity.

Sensi Skinfood supports its customers on a sensory journey that combines science, innovation and well-being to help them understand how to improve sports and work performance, relax body and mind, manage stress, achieve that psycho-physical balance necessary to face every challenge. Making well-being a good habit and transforming the dream of longevity into a daily conquest is our mission.

Healthy Aging Sensi Skinfood is the set of good practices oriented towards preventive health as well as the definition of protocols that have as a priority not only the silhouette, but the improvement of one's psycho-physical condition through the reduction of inflammation, all origin of many age-related diseases and disorders, and the strengthening of the immune system.

According to the experts of the Global Wellness Institute , the Longevity Protocols represent the future of Wellness, which is strengthened through personalized programs and treatments that keep the immune system efficient, through new technologies that work in synergy with a traditional offer. Thus holistic therapies, tailored diets and specific workouts enhance, for example, the classic anti-cellulite treatments to make the result more effective.

The shared desire to feel good and live well increases interest in Mindfulness also in the beauty field.

What have we learned from Covid?

The lesson of our recent past, linked to Covid and its consequences, has helped to lead us towards a Mindful Beauty that binds inextricably beauty and inner well-being and is aimed at everyone, including Millennials and Generation Z, today more than ever in search of relaxation, balance and security.

Each beauty treatment gives its best associated with meditation and breathing techniques that offer complete relaxation and greater self-awareness. After all, dedicating yourself to beauty and body care trains the mind for daily well-being, reduces stress and tension and allows you to rediscover harmony and motivation. The importance of carving out moments all for yourself to enjoy the beneficial effects of effective formulas in synergy with wise gestures and rituals is linked to well-aging , understood as living your time well and feeling at the best of your psycho-physical potential in every stage of your life. Getting back in touch with body and mind allows you to rediscover a natural beauty that comes from self-acceptance and the search for a balance to be conquered and maintained even through a Beauty Routine made up of small gestures and daily care.

At the Sensi Skinfood center in via Maria Vittoria the rituals give well-being, make you feel good, are pleasant and reassuring and take place in an exclusive, intense and powerful atmosphere that takes you away from stress and daily activities, becoming functional tools to maximize effectiveness of each beauty treatment.

The combination of Sensi Skinfood products, protocols and rituals makes it possible to offer total well-being through immersive experiences and multi-sensory paths that are never standardised, but tailor-made, respecting the times and emotions of each client.